Hello Monday and Even/Odd
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America Is An Idea,Not A
Corporate Social Responsibility /
Webby Winner
Hello Monday and Even/Odd
Corporate Social Responsibility
Webby Winner
The idea for the flag influenced our technical approach. We knew this was going to be made up of 100's of photo tiles to make up the American flag as it zoomed out. In order to achieve this effect at 60fps, we knew that canvas and other DOM approaches would not perform well.- Hello Monday Team
Q: Talk about your initial prototypes. How did those ideas change throughout design and execution?
A: Many of our initial concepts revolved around the road and the different paths people take, leading to their own unique experiences. As our ideas evolved over time, we realized that we wanted something more unifying, something which indicated that though all our experiences are different, we are all united under the same country, the same flag, the same idea. Creating a design that felt uniquely American, while still allowing each voice to shine individually was the ultimate concept on which we landed.Q: What influenced your chosen technical approach, and how did it go beyond past methods?
A: The idea for the flag influenced our technical approach. We knew this was going to be made up of 100's of photo tiles to make up the American flag as it zoomed out. In order to achieve this effect at 60fps, we knew that canvas and other DOM approaches would not perform well. We decided the only option was to make this a GLSL shader. This is when we settled on OGL to keep the 3d portion of the site lightweight in contrast to a heavier library like threejs.What breakthrough or “a-ha” moment did you experience when concepting or executing this project?
The flag introduction was a breakthrough moment for us. We knew we needed to create something which grabbed people's attention while conveying the tone and purpose of the entire experience. We came up with a concept that displays a number of images and a small video clip of immigrants around the US. As the user scrolls, the images zoom out to resolve into an American flag, portraying that it is the people of the US that make up its fabric. This became our attention grabbing moment and set the tone for the entire experience.