We were driven by the idea of showing two different processes simultaneously, visualizing it in a parallel manner. Technically its implementation was different from all that we have done before.- Gigarama Team

Q: What influenced your chosen technical approach, and how did it go beyond past methods?
A: We were driven by the idea of showing two different processes simultaneously, visualizing it in a parallel manner. Technically its implementation was different from all that we have done before. It’s quite difficult for a viewer to perceive both visual and text parts at once, so when the text appears after pressing the mouse button the video pauses and the sound turns down.When did you experience a breakthrough or an "a-ha" moment during this project?
The breakthrough was perhaps the decision itself to make a two in one video — so that one half of a picture seemed like the natural extension of the other. Once this discovery was made it all came together. After that we only needed to fill up the project with some application software for its functionality, usability, or just spectacle. For example we used the displacement shader effect for the shift from video to text.

Q: What web technologies, tools, and resources did you use to develop this?
A: PhpStorm, PixiJS, GSAP, Howler.Js, html2canvas, Lottie-Web, After Effects, ProtoPie, Figma, Nginx, PHP, and WordPress.