Klick Health


Best Use of Video or Moving Image / Nominee
Klick Health

Best Use of Video or Moving Image

What was unexpected and has defied expectations, has been the internal reaction. The pride. - Klick Health Team

Q: Can you briefly describe your project and the concept behind it?

A: The concept was simple; we wanted to create a video that showed there’s something different here at Klick Health. We take pride in the fact we aren’t like other agencies. The way we act and do things is different. We treat people differently, we have a different set of values. You can feel it at Klick, but our pride in being different wasn’t being communicated anywhere—it wasn’t even on our website. We had to lean into our ‘difference.’ Our ‘There’s something different here’ tagline came first and became the manifestation of what we wanted facing outwards. Our inspiration was also simple; it was our people. Our Klicksters. They are the heart of our company, our branding, and our video.

Q: Talk about your initial prototypes. How did those ideas change throughout design and execution?

A: The brief that was given to the video team outlined that we wanted the video to capture the people who work here, our Klicksters, in a real way. Not staged. We were able to utilize some existing footage from celebrations and sporting events to showcase the true moments of being a Klickster. Our video team began filming more Klickster content in our offices, too. The video is about all our people across the company. We didn’t want our leaders to be the focus, so they aren’t. Once we completed filming, it was edited, the script was laid down, recorded, and the video was completed. Nothing changed, save from one word being edited from the first draft of the script to the final draft.

What breakthrough or “a-ha” moment did you experience when concepting or executing this project?

The ‘a-ha’ moment came when we came up with the line that ironically has always rung true to Klick, and became the essence of the rebrand: There’s Something Different Here. The script was written in one take, from start to finish, and captures who we are as a company. Even the writing itself didn’t feel like writing from scratch–it felt more like transcribing the things Klicksters say when describing the feeling of working at Klick.


Q: What influenced your chosen technical approach, and how did it go beyond past methods?

A: We knew we could convey the concept more effectively if we brought it to life visually, instead of just explaining it, and video makes that possible. We wanted it to be memorable, unique, and quintessentially true. The entire project is different from anything we’ve done before because it shows, and explains, what makes Klick different. It tells our story.

Q: What web technologies, tools, or resources did you use to develop this?

A: "The film was shot using 6K production cameras, and gimbal stabilizers and then edited with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. We had almost no production expenses—it was all our own crew, our own equipment, and the people you see on screen are all Klicksters. All the company sports and celebration footage? That’s real, too.

Q: How did the final product defy your expectations?

A: We expected the video to work well with people searching for a job, people who didn’t know about Klick and were looking to join the company. The fact that the video, which showcases our different offices and tons of Klicksters, has been well received externally has been incredible. Klicksters immediately rallied behind the video when it premiered at our company-wide town hall in December 2019. What was unexpected and has defied expectations, has been the internal reaction. The pride.

Q: Why is this an exciting time to create new digital experiences? How does your team fit into this?

A: Digital experiences have the ability to close the gap that once existed between an organization and its audience; or a brand and its consumers. Digital has become an equalizer. Everything is possible. You can have a one-on-one conversation with someone, or host a discussion with one person talking to a million people around the world. No longer is anyone defined by the cost of reaching a large audience nor hindered by the size of their company putting the message out. Anyone can create something that can be seen by anyone. Klick is always considering digital experiences both when working with clients, and when working on internal projects.
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