"Generating excellent work is hard to do, however I find that excellent work happens when you design for it again and again. Know yourself, know your team and know how to optimize for the best possible outcome. Consistent excellent work is not the result of random pieces falling in place, but a concerted effort to work at your peak abilities again and again. This might mean providing yourself a distraction free environment, continuously refining for the best ideas or surrounding yourself with the most talented individuals you can find. Then repeat your process with outside feedback from people you trust, or at least enough feedback from strangers that forms patterns of feedback you can act on." - Ralph Bishop, Director of Design, GIPHY
"My tip for designing excellent work is to continually ask yourself if what you're designing is something that you yourself would love to use and something that you consider interesting and useful. If not, ask why and change course. While we're often designing for people whose needs could differ from our own, the importance of trusting your gut and relying on your own instincts as a creator, consumer, and human being cannot be overstated. If you're building something that you truly believe in, and that you honestly feel offers something the competition doesn't, others will too." - Nick Santaniello, Senior Product Engineer, GIPHY