Our favorite organizer on the Internet and 2015 People’s Voice and Webby Winner for Personal Blog/Website, Things Organized Neatly, has continued to curate and arrange in the most oddly satisfying way. With artfully crafted photos of food, nature, knives, and even adventures creator, Austin Radcliffe, curates to appease the inner obsessive-compulsive in us all.
Watch Austin Give His 5-Word Speech
The 19th Annual Webbys
Tell us about your depiction of “The Internet Can’t Be Stopped”
I created a Springs Organized Neatly campaign for the 2015 People’s Voice vote. My friend Brooke Shanesy and I collaborated to shoot some images of springs laid out & standing up, all at right angles. The colorful springs were sourced from an amazingly bizarre commercial liquidation warehouse in my hometown, Dayton, OH. For “The Internet Can’t Be Stopped” image Brooke & I reimagined the original spring layout with a laptop and confetti for the 20th anniversary of The Webbys. The confetti was really fun to shoot!
What’s the best thing to happen to the Internet in the past 20 years?
Cell phone photography added an incredible immediacy for sending & consuming content. This breadth of available information has fundamentally changed the way we interact with and access the world. The Society of the Spectacle.
“ Let me organize your things.”
What are you most excited for in the next 20 years of the Internet?
If and when Facebook will be a thing of the past. Human interactions will be novel and renewed.
You have helped shape the last 20 years of the Webbys. What are you working on now? What do you have next on the horizon?
The Things Organized Neatly Book will be out in Spring 2016 with Universe, an imprint of Rizzoli. I am also curating a number of gallery exhibits next year (not all Organized or Knolled). Hopefully more opportunities for photo shoots, gallery projects & museum work. Maybe an online gallery??

The image is featured on Things Organized Neatly's 20th Annual Webby Awards Call for Entries Poster.
For the Call for Entries for our 20th Webby Awards, we have partnered with 20 Webby Winners – who throughout the past 20 years have shaped not only The Webby Awards, but the Internet itself. Read more about our 20th Webbys collaboration here.
Don’t forget you can watch all the highlights from the 20th Annual Webby Awards now!