
Reviewer Overview



About The Webby Awards


The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet.

Established in 1996 during the Web’s infancy, The Webbys is presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS) — a 2,000+ member judging body that includes Executive Members comprised of leading Web experts, business figures, luminaries, visionaries and creative celebrities, and Associate Members who are former Webby Award Winners and Nominees and Internet professionals.

Reflecting the tremendous growth of the Internet as a tool for business and everyday lives, The 20th Annual Webby Awards expanded The Webbys’ mission by honoring excellence in Websites, Advertising & Media, Online Film & Video, Mobile Sites & Apps, and the Social Web.

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About The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences


The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences was founded in 1998 to help drive the creative, technical, and professional progress of the Internet and evolving forms of interactive media. An international organization, The Academy selects the Honorees, Nominees and Winners for The Webby Awards, the leading honors for websites and individual achievement in technology and creativity.

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The Webby Awards accepts entries in 100+ categories for consideration. Work may be submitted in multiple categories.

Language Limitation

  • Websites / Social / Mobile Sites & Apps: While non-English speaking entries are not explicitly forbidden, work must be accessible to our predominantly English speaking judges. In categories that may not depend on language, such as (but not limited to) NetArt, Best Visual Design and Weird, non-English speaking sites are eligible if they are highly visual or otherwise not dependent on language.
  • Advertising & Media: For Display/Banner entries in Foreign languages, a space to provide translation will be provided in the online entry system.
  • Online Film & Video: All Online Film & Video entries in a foreign language MUST be dubbed or subtitled.


Offensive Material
Entries that contain pornographic material, propagate “hate” messages, make defamatory statements, or which are otherwise extraordinarily offensive are not eligible.

Ineligible entries may be disqualified at any phase of the competition without notification.

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The Judging Process


The Academy’s process is a 2,000-judge voting body with two stages, each fueled by different types of judges.

Stage Evaluators
Round 1 Judging Associate Members of IADAS
Nominee & Winner Selection Executive Academy Members of IADAS


To ensure that each stage runs cleanly, our tabulation consultants audits returns to insure fairness and accuracy.

Process: Round 1 Judging
From the multitude of entries submitted during the Call for Entries, Associate Members independently inspect each entry and rate it based on the judging criteria. The short list is presented to the Executive Academy who compares all of the work entered in each category and culls a short list of the best work entered. The Executive Academy then presents the short lists for consideration by the judges.

Evaluators: Associate Members
Associate Members are Internet professionals and former Webby winners who work with and on the Internet. They have clearly demonstrable familiarity with the category in which they judge and have been individually required to produce evidence of such expertise. Associate Members are given different entries in their category cluster for judging and they are prohibited from judging any entry with which they have a personal or professional affiliation. The work of Associate Members is regularly inspected for fairness and accuracy.

Process: Nominee and Winner Selection
Each Executive Academy member is assigned to a category cluster based on their area of expertise. They are able to vote in any category in a given cluster. Members review each entry in the categories in which they’ve chosen to cast ballots according to the judging criteria.

Each Executive Academy member casts their ballot for five (5) Nominees, ranking them in order of excellence. The Academy staff and tabulation consultants then tabulate the votes to determine the nominees.

Evaluators: Executive Academy Members
Executive Members of The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences vote on Webby Awards winners. Members of The Executive Academy are visionaries, evangelists and luminaries who have catalyzed great achievements on the Internet or have demonstrated extraordinary talent in a traditional medium. These Internet experts faithfully represent the past and future of new media; they carry the leading voice of the Industry. The traditional masters possess an understanding of their fields that transcend the new medium. Their minds speak powerfully towards excellence and value within their field– art, film, science, or sports, for example– online and off.

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