Webby Rankings January 15, 2021

The Webby Media Industry Index

The index showcases the top 5 media companies honored at the 24th Annual Webby Awards.

IN ITS SECOND YEAR, our annual Webby Industry Index series showcases the companies creating the highest caliber of work across their industries. Companies have been separated by their respective industries; The Webby Media Industry Company Index highlights the world’s best media companies with the most projects honored in the 24th Annual Webby Awards. In addition, we’ve highlighted a few pieces of work created by each of the featured companies. Read the full Industry Index series to see this year’s best Production CompaniesPodcastsGame CreatorsBrandsAgencies, and Tech Brands.

HOW IT WORKS: We analyzed which industries were most represented during the 24th Annual Webby Awards, and ranked the top five companies produced the highest performing work. Since 1997, The Webby Awards has honored the world’s best media outlets, journalists, and filmmakers—those telling stories in new ways using emerging technologies and platforms. To reflect this innovation, our index ranks the top 5 media companies honored during the competition. *Companies are listed with the highest-performing companies top to bottom.

National Geographic leads the competition after earning top recognition across social and website categories during the 24th Annual Webby Awards. The featured companies competed with projects that experimental storytelling made using virtual reality, social media, and mobile apps.

The Best Media Companies

1. National Geographic 

National Geographic was named the 2020 Webby Media Company of the Year after sweeping social and website categories at the 24th Annual Webby Awards, earning recognition for Best Use of Animation or Motion Graphics, Best Overall Social Presence, and more. Check out a few of Nat Geo’s projects like The Atlas of MoonsExpand the Field, and more.

2. Condé Nast

The globally-recognized media company ranks on our index for the second consecutive year with standout projects like Condé Nast Traveler’s City Guides, its Women Who Travel website, as well as many video projects that were honored during last year’s competition.

3. The Washington Post 

The media outlet received honors last year across the competition, most notably in social, video, and website categories. Dive into a few of The Washington Post’s projects, including Venezuela, Stories of Crisis, Webby Winner for News in Immersive & Mixed Reality, as well as T-Rex, a Webby Video Nominee in Science & Education.

4. CNN

CNN had a few standout projects honored in last year’s competition across websites, video and social. Take a look at What was Leonardo da Vinci doing at your age, the 2020 Webby and People’s Voice Winner for Art in Websites, and Lost in the Woods with James Brown’s Ghost, which received a Webby Honor for Best Writing in Websites.

5. BBC

BBC proved that it produces great storytelling across all platform during the 24th Annual Webby Awards. See it’s Webby-recognized projects like BBC Culture, the 2020 Webby Winner for Art & Culture in Social, as well as BBC Own It Keyboard and App, a Webby Nominee for Machine Learning and Bots in Mobile.


The companies listed in the Webby Media Industry Index represent the world’s leaders in journalism and storytelling. Read the full series to see which brands, agencies, production companies, podcasts, and game designers ranked the highest in the 24th Annual Webby Awards.

To join the best podcasters in the world, enter the 25th Annual Webby Awards. The Extended Entry Deadline and last chance to enter is Friday, February 12th!
