Webby Talks Speakers

September 2023 - February 2024. 250+ meetings with the best and brightest in the digital world.

Make a Date With Us

As you might have guessed, we’re good at talking… If you want to reach out to organize Webby Talks in your city, fill us in on your latest endeavor, or even just have a chat, we’d love you to say “hello!”

Email us:

Every Fall, The Webby Awards Executive Team takes Webby Talks on the road to meet the people making the Internet all over the world. Each speaker has presented to hundreds of groups from as small as 10 and as large as 200.

  • Claire Graves

    Claire Graves

    President | @ClaireGraves
    As President of The Webby Media Group Claire leads the team who runs The Webby Awards for the very best of the Internet, The Lovie Awards for the best of the European Internet and the newer Anthem Awards which recognizes social impact work.
    With over 20,000 entries collectively all three awards are the most prestigious honors within their field.
  • Nick Borenstein

    Nick Borenstein

    General Manager
    As General Manager of The Webby Awards, Nick leads strategic development, partnerships and industry relations to continue the Webbys’ mission of honoring excellence online.
  • Jordana Jarrett

    Jordana Jarrett

    Editorial Strategy Manager
    Jordana Jarrett is a writer and content strategist living in Brooklyn, New York.
  • Emma Whitfield

    Emma Whitfield

    Production & Experience Director
    As Production & Experience Director of The Webby Awards, Emma works on creating a seamless experience for our Webby community and entrants.



