November 12, 2019

S6 EP 9: Beyond Museum Walls with The Met’s Sofie Andersen

We’re an institution of 5,000 years of history representing cultures from around the world. We believe our mission is to reach the 4.3 billion Internet connected users around the world”
— Sofie Andersen, Interim Head of Digital at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Our next guest, Sofie Andersen, has spent her career thinking about how the Internet and technology can enrich museums and museum going. Her work has transformed the experience of some of the world’s most visited museums, like the Whitney where she was the Director of Digital Media and the Tate in London, into more interactive and more vibrant experiences.

Today as Interim Head of Digital at the Metropolitan Museum of Art she is charged with thinking not only about how technology can improve the Met, but how it can bring the content, information and mission of the Met to people all over the world.

Listen to Sofie Andersen on the Webby Podcast
