LISTEN: Webby Podcast January 2, 2018

S2 EP 10: Van Jones, CNN Political Commentator

CNN Political Commentator Van Jones joins us to discuss his latest book "Beyond The Messy Truth," and how we can move beyond social media echo chambers towards political progress.

Many people can agree that the year 2017 was inundated with a hailstorm of toxic tweets, divisive memes, and a deep political divide that was felt across the country. Luckily, CNN Political Commentator and social justice crusader Van Jones is looking to change that, one conversation at a time. He’s produced an online mini series to understand the pain of conservatives and liberals, organized for political change for years—and he’s not stopping anytime soon.

Van sits down with our host David-Michel Davies to discuss his book Beyond The Messy Truth, and how we can move beyond divisive social media echo chambers towards a better future.

It used to be that futures were written in laws in Washington DC. Now the future’s being written in computer code in Silicon Valley.”
— Van Jones CNN Political Commentator

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