LISTEN: Webby Podcast December 12, 2017

S2 EP 8: Rob Perkins & Lydia Daniller, Founders of OMGYes

Founders of OMGYes, Lydia Daniller and Rob Perkins, discuss just how they're using the Internet to explore one of society's most taboo topics: women's sexual pleasure.

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For centuries, women’s sexuality has caused civilizations to war, and has been at the center of legislative battles – yet it remains a topic that mystifies many. Rob Perkins and Lydia Daniller are looking to change that with OMGYes, a research-driven, interactive website on the science of women’s pleasure. So far they’ve been successful (and not just because of their 2017 Webby Win).

Lydia and Rob join our host David-Michel Davies to discuss how they created the site, how the Internet can be used to normalize conversations on intimacy, and more.

When we looked at the research, we were kind of dumbfounded to see that the specifics of sexual pleasure hadn’t been researched in this way before. ”
— Lydia Daniller Co-Founder of OMGYes

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