August 5, 2020

Q&A: How Adobe Helped Us Discover Our Creative Personality Types

Adobe Create set out to help people discover their creative personalities, and how they should own those unique strengths, through a personality quiz. Rather than release a mundane online quiz, Adobe tapped their agency partner Anyways Creative to do something entirely different. The Creative Types Personality Quiz, a 2020 Webby Winner for Products & Services in Advertising, is visually stunning, fun, and represents true creativity.

Winner Stories: The Creative Types Personality Quiz

We spoke with Anyways Creative about the process of creating this project, how they used set design, 3D animation and video to represent the essence of the eight creative personalities, and more. See into their process—and explore more inspirational projects on the Webby Winners Gallery + Index.

What inspired The Creative Types Personality Quiz?

Anyways Creative: Personality tests exist in various forms, and people are inevitably drawn to taking them to find out more about themselves. But we’ve always felt like they are quite mundane and knew that our peers would be turned off by an online quiz. So that’s when we realized that this was an exciting opportunity to do something completely different to anything else that existed. We wanted to create something that was fun, visually exciting and resonant with creative people.

What did you learn in the process of making this quiz?

Anyways Creative: We had so much fun creating this test! We really loved being able to bring our network of collaborators together. We collaborated with set designers, filmmakers, a 3D artist, a photographer and a psychologist all working simultaneously, bringing their amazing insights and skills to the table. Being part of that collaboration was really special for us!

Whilst working on Creative Types, we learned A LOT about character design. We created over 250 iterations of our 8 Creative Type characters with our awesomely talented collaborator, 3D artist Anton Hjertstedt. It was very important to create characters that conceptually portrayed the traits specific to their type whilst also being accessible and relatable for the user. For example, ‘The Innovator’ was described as being able to ‘balance logic and creativity’, so that became a brief for a character made of malleable, fluid shapes within a rigid frame structure, to bring the concept to life.

The project uses a video in between each question to represent the user’s selected answer in a great way. What drove your decision to do this?

Anyways Creative: The idea came from wanting to reward the user after each question as a way to make the experience even more engaging. We also wanted to add an element of visual storytelling into the test, creating a thread between the questions and pulling the whole experience together.

Another part of our thinking was to create a playful dialogue between digital and physical design, which felt like a nice parallel with the breadth of work that Adobe products help to facilitate. We took a physical approach to one half of the test (the question scenes), and a digital approach to the other half (the characters) to create a perfect balance. It was a dream to collaborate on this with set designers Isabel + Helen and photographers BBDE as they really helped to elevate the whole experience!

What do you want creatives to take away from their quiz results, and how to apply it to future work?

Anyways Creative: As individuals we are always in flux and that means our Creative Types will change as we move through life. So we hope that people around the world take the test again and again to constantly learn and evaluate how they are evolving as creatives. And apart from understanding their own skillset, this test also allows creatives to understand who best to work with. We hope lots of collaborative opportunities are born from Creative Types!

Is there a creative personality type that is most represented across your team?

Anyways Creative: All of them! We’re such a diverse studio with different skills that all 8 Creative Types have been matched with our team.

What does winning a Webby Award mean to your team? 

Anyways Creative: It is pretty mind blowing! It’s amazing to have reached so many people with this project and in such a positive way – to simply spread creativity and help people harness their own skill sets. We’re all very proud to have a Webby, it’s a big moment for us.
