Best of the Internet December 6, 2018

Staff Picks: Discovered at The Webbys

The Internet is a massive, noisy place. But big or small, the best projects always shine at The Webby Awards. Check out our Staff Picks to learn the Webby team's favorite apps and tools discovered at The Webbys.

The best of the Internet is often made by independent artists and small companies—something the Webby team knows well since many such projects win Webbys each year.

So we asked our staff about the apps, services, and Internet “things” they can’t get enough of, that they only discovered through The Webby Awards.

Enjoy our Staff Picks below and enter your work in the 23rd Annual Webbys before the Extended Entry Deadline Friday, January 25!

Staff Picks: Discovered at The Webbys

The Internet is a massive, noisy place. But big or small, the best projects always shine at The Webby Awards. Check out our Staff Picks to learn the Webby team's favorite apps and tools discovered at The Webbys.


Emma Whitfield, Account Manager (@emmawhitfield)

Discovered at The Webbys: Acorns – Winner in Best Practices (Mobile) 

I love the Acorns app! I’m saving money without even noticing it! They automatically round up my spends and add the difference to my savings account and at the end of the month I’m surprised with what I saved!



Jeff Zemetis, Director of Creative Content

Discovered: Send Me SFMOMA – Winner in Cultural Institutions (Mobile)

Who can you text “Send me cheese,” and instantly receive a wonderful Martin Parr photograph from his series British Food? 572-51, that’s who. It’s SFMOMA’s Webby-winning, text-based service that lets people explore their extensive archives in a way that’s quick, fun, and enlightening with their random results.



David-Michel Davies, CEO (@dmdlikes)

DiscoveredThings 3 – Nominee in Productivity (Mobile)

I know, I know; another productivity tool! But this one is different. Before Things 3, I had a small menagerie of other productivity apps that I’d tried but never fully embraced. Things 3 is the one that stuck. It effortlessly exists on all your devices, always synced, as ready to remind you to buy that Jeff Goldblum sequin pillow as it is to get real stuff done.



Angela Carola, Managing Director (@angcarola)

Discovered: Goats of Anarchy Instagram – Winner in Animals (Social)

My 4-year-old daughter is always asking me what I’m looking at on my phone, and Webby Winner @goatsofanarchy is so delightful that it is something I can share with her and we can enjoy together.



Jordana Jarrett, Editorial Coordinator (@jordi_cheri)

Discovered: Hair Nah – Nominee in Social Impact (Games)

Who doesn’t love when art imitates real life? Hair Nah is a dope Webby-nominated game about helping a black woman travel safely, while fending off creepy, zombie-like hands that try to touch her hair without permission. It’s a fun (and slightly anxiety-inducing way) to visualize a real societal issue that black women deal with.




Steve Marchese, Executive Producer (@stevemarchese)

Discovered: HotStepper – Winner in Best Use of GPS (Mobile) 

You may not be a superhero but did you know you could have a reliable, uber-confident sidekick with just one click of the App Store? He’s the HotStepper, an AR guide with the freshest moves and siiiick orienteering skills. He’ll expertly guide you to your next destination. Here comes the HotStepper!



Jason Brickhill, Social Media Manager (@jasonbrickhill)

DiscoveredHopper – Winner in Travel (Mobile)

Flights from New York to Australia are expensive (I’m Australian)! So I’m always eyeing 👀out Webby Travel App Winners & Noms for break-though travel services. I LOVE that Hopper can track your travel plans and tell you the best time to buy, saving me hundreds!



Taylor Griffin, Associate Producer (@taywgriffin)

Discovered: Data Africa – Winner in Government & Civil Innovation (Websites)

One site I love is Data Africa: It’s a Webby-winning and Webby for Good-recognized project. I love data visualization and this makes important statistics both accessible and digestible!



Terence Brosnan, Executive and Operational Assistant

Discovered: Art Institute of Chicago Official Mobile App – 2017 Winner in Cultural Institutions (Mobile)

If not for The Webbys, I would have assumed this app was created to share standard info, but it’s much more than that. If you’ve stepped foot in the Art Institute, you know it can be overwhelming with its impressive scale. When museums do offer an alternative to a tour group, it usually involves borrowing tech from the institution. This app cuts to the chase and lets you just enjoy the incredible collections with your own device. What’s not to love?!



Nicole Ferraro, Editorial Director (@NicoleFerraro)

Discovered: Refugees Welcome – Winner in Activism (Websites)

My favorite recent thing discovered at The Webbys is a winner from last year, Refugees Welcome. It’s a project that provides an easy toolkit for hosting dinners to welcome refugees to your local community. I got to help host a dinner in NYC and it was an unforgettable experience. Who’s down to host the next one with me?



Esther Hoff, Business Development Coordinator

Discovered: Calm – Winner in Health & Fitness (Mobile)

A Webby Winning app that has become part of my daily routine is the Calm meditation app. At the end of a long day the app helps me recenter with either a guided meditation or some calming music.

Ready to be discovered at The Webbys? Enter the 24th Annual Webby Awards before the Extended Entry Deadline on Friday, February 7th at webbyawards.com
