Webby Rankings January 15, 2021

The Webby Global Brands Industry Index

The index showcases the top 5 global brands honored at the 24th Annual Webby Awards.

IN ITS SECOND YEAR, our annual Webby Industry Index series showcases the companies creating the highest caliber of work across their industries. Companies have been separated by their respective industries; The Webby Global Brands Industry Index highlights the world’s best brands with the most projects honored in the 24th Annual Webby Awards. In addition, we’ve highlighted a few pieces of work created by each of the featured companies. Read the full Industry Index series to see this year’s best Media CompaniesProduction CompaniesPodcastsGame CreatorsAgencies, and Tech Brands.

HOW IT WORKS: We analyzed which industries were most represented during the 24th Annual Webby Awards, and ranked the top five companies produced the highest performing work. *Companies are listed with the highest-performing companies top to bottom.

Fashion and beauty companies represent the majority of brands honored at the 24th Annual Webby Awards, with Reebok and e.l.f. beauty earning two Webby Award wins. Among the work, brands competed with branded content and mobile apps.

The Best Global Brands

1. Reebok 

Ranking first on the list is Reebok, standing out in last year’s competition with Nails, the 2020 Webby and People’s Voice Winner for Fashion & Lifestyle (Branded) in Video. See their other Webby-honored project, Storm the Court for Best Art Direction in Advertising.

2. e.l.f beauty 

The beauty brand stood out during last year’s competition for its social media e.l.f. Cosmetics #eyeslipsface TikTok Campaign, the 2020 Webby Winner for Fashion & Beauty in Social.

3. WW

Dive into WW’s health app, which received many honors during the 24th Annual Webby Awards, like the People’s Voice Award for Best User Experience in Mobile.

4. sweetgreen

Ranking fourth on the list is the only health food chain to make our industry index. In recent years, sweetgreen has solidified its spot in the industry, and has inspired other restaurant-style chains focused on providing healthy options. See the sweetgreen app, the 2020 Webby Winner for Food & Drink in Mobile.

5. Glossier 

Unicorn beauty and skincare brand Glossier also made our index, as the 2020 Webby Winner for Fashion & Beauty in Social for its Glossier Instagram Account.


The companies listed in the Webby Agency Industry Index represent the world’s leading brands in digital marketing. Read the full series to see which brandsagencies, technology companiesmedia companiesproduction companiespodcasts, and game designers ranked the highest in the 24th Annual Webby Awards.


To join the best podcasters in the world, enter the 25th Annual Webby Awards. The Extended Entry Deadline and last chance to enter is Friday, February 12th!
