The Webby People's Voice Showcase April 6, 2016

Get Your Fans To The Polls!

The *Ultimate* Webby People's Voice Tips + Tricks, Win the Internet - Promote your People's Voice Nomination Now!

Congrats to all of the 20th Annual Webby Award Nominees. Be sure to check out all the Nominees, Winners & highlights from the 20th Annual Webby Awards!

GIFs, Tweets, Status Updates & More

Dogalize lead the pack with Instagram posts like these.

Dogalize lead the pack with Instagram posts like these.

NASA/JPL literally made the Webby Award \

NASA/JPL literally made the Webby Award "The Internet's highest honor."

 As a part of our ongoing celebration for our hallmark 20th year, we put together this collection to showcase how past Nominees have championed their honor.

We want you to promote your win as efficiently and effectively as possible which is why we also offer site bugs, roadblocks and social shares incentives for your community to share their votes.

Send us examples of how you and your fellow Nominees are rallying audiences to vote. Download the full People’s Voice Nominees Showcase now!



Get Tons of Clicks, Likes & Feels When You Share Your Webby Award Nomination

  • Nominees such as Dogalize shared a post of their honor to their followers in humble yet well-placed promotions.
  • NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory and more all took to social to get the vote out—galvanizing their audience and fans about why they are Webby-honored.

Howard Stern Birthday Bash

Share your Nomination with your Podcast and Radio Fanbases too!

  • Both KCRW and Howard Stern’s Birthday Bash did what they do best and used their medium of talk to spread the word about their Webby Nomination.
  • With a dedicated group of listeners, reaching an audience any time or place to vote for you during People’s Voice is simple.

Social Covers & Banners are Unmissable

  • Cracked got the message out about their Webby Nomination with a high-profile (literally) social cover on their Facebook page.
  • As the first thing a viewer will see on your social, a cover or banner promotes your Nomination to all your fans in a simple yet outstanding way.




IBM_Tumblr_GIF_19th Webbys_ PV PDF Feature
IMB made this Webby site badge .GIF for their Tumblr that has us mesmerized

Influencers Can Make Your Nomination a Viral Sensation

  • One tweet, countless votes. Social influencers can give your Nomination the push it needs to become a People’s Voice Award Winner.
  • Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga each used their celebrity to engage their massive social media following to vote for their friends who were Nominated.

GIFs are a Distinct and Internet-Ready Way to Promote your Nomination

  • Pictures may say a thousand words, but GIFs say millions.
  • As a memorable and sharable social post, GIFs can help you get the vote out in droves.

Sending an Email Blast to Your Subscribers is a Direct Invitation to Vote

  • Crafting an artful email? Each click through, forward or reply will multiply your reach for a Webby People’s Voice Award.
  • The Guggenheim Museum championed their honors in beautiful and well-designed emails which allowed them to really highlight their work.

Turn Views Into a People’s Voice Win with an Original Video

  • Promote your Nomination wherever your videos can be found!
  • Kid President rose to the occasion in a custom video to celebrate SoulPancake’s Webby Nominations in the 19th Annual.

Watch. Click. Vote. Simple as that.



Noisey_Blog Post_19th Webbys_ PV PDF Feature
Noisey got us stoked with their custom People's Voice campaign content.

Going for Gold, er, Green

Brooklyn United\'s Announces the competetion onTwitter

Brooklyn United's Announces the competetion onTwitter

The \

The "prize" for winning a Webby People's Voice

Their CEO \

Their CEO "goes green"

Your Webby Nominated Video Will Get More Votes with Strong Annotations and Descriptions

  • Promoting your Webby Nomination in the description of your videos is a frictionless way to get votes for your work.
  • Both 3 Golden Sisters & The Kings of Leon’s Nominated videos rallied votes for their People’s Voice campaign by adding the news of their nomination in the video descriptions.

Rally Your Fanbase with Custom Content

  • For Noisey, they shared their Nomination in dedicated blog posts.
  • Creating unique content to display your Webby Nomination, will not only boost your standing among your peers, but increase site traffic and engagement too.

Competitions are a One-of-a-Kind Experience that are Actionable and Grow Audiences

  • Give your audience something more. With the thrill of competitions, the reward is two-fold: A People’s Voice Webby Win and an incentive for your fans.
  • In the case of Brooklyn United, folks saw the company’s CEO get slimed…just because they won a Webby. Awesome.

See all The Webby People’s Voice Winners here. You can watch all the highlights from the 20th Annual Webby Awards now! Don’t forget, the Final Entry Deadline is December 16th, 2016Enter today!
