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12 Times Big Risks Led to Bigger Rewards

Insights Trend Report

For all the times you thought “We could never sell that through,” here are 12 reasons you were wrong.

The Webby Insights Trend Report will share what the marketers and creators behind this year’s riskiest work have to say. You’ll get some first-hand insight into what kinds of processes produce truly brave and successful work. We bet you’ll find something in here that’ll be of use in your next strategic brainstorm, new business pitch, job interview or after-work beer.

With access to this paper you will receive:

  • 12 case studies of strategically grounded, well-executed and effective ideas.
  • Analysis of four distinct types of risk prevalent in award-winning Internet: Financial, Creative, Technological & Cultural.
  • Access to an exclusive digital hub featuring ongoing updates with additional content and announcements about Risk and Reward.
  • Applicable and tangible takeaways to inspire and educate your creative partners in how to sell risky work to stakeholders.
  • A slideshow featuring key takeaways and advice for selling and creating risky work.
  • Exclusive invite to an online discussion with the creators of risk taking work.
  • A gallery of Webby-honored work that showcases how risky work garners big rewards.

Preview Risk and Reward here for an exclusive look at one of the 12 case studies.

[purchase_link id=”134684″ text=”Purchase Trend Report” style=”button” color=”yellow”]

Questions? Contact insights@webbyawards.com.
