Active Theory
Theory v5
Technical Achievement /
Active Theory
Technical Achievement
Since we were our own "client" for this project, we were free to push the boundaries both creatively and technically. Our website is always a great way for us to flex and show off things that don’t always make it into client projects.- Active Theory Team
Q: Talk about your initial prototypes. How did those ideas change throughout design and execution?
A: From a conceptual standpoint, the site stayed pretty much the same from inception to final product. However, we initially were only going to include three 3D environments and in the end created eight environments instead. This allowed us to have more fun with the cool transitions between scenes, and made the site feel less repetitive. With only three environments the site ran the risk of appearing to have a short ceiling--with eight, it stays fresh and interesting with each visit.What breakthrough or “a-ha” moment did you experience when concepting or executing this project?
Transitioning the landing environment from a single scene to multiple really adds to the storytelling of the site and our brand. For our previous execution (ATv4), the main scene took users down a single dark, neon alley, showcasing our work on flashing screens on each side. Dialing this up to multiple environments in ATv5 meant we could capture this same overall ambience, but also visually communicate more company values through the differing scenes.